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79.2% of Pima County residents old enough to vote in 2021
Of the 1,035,063 citizens living in Pima County in 2021, 79.2% were old enough to vote, equating to 819,435 individuals, according to U.S. Census Bureau data obtained on Oct. 26.
Q2: 951 professional licenses expired in cities found in Pima County
There were 951 professional licenses which expired in cities within Pima County in the second quarter of 2023, according to the State of Arizona.
How many professional licenses were issued across cities in Pima County in Q2?
There were five professional licenses issued in cities across Pima County in the second quarter of 2023, according to the State of Arizona.
There were 35 professional licenses issued in cities across Pima County in Q1
There were 35 professional licenses issued in cities across Pima County in the first quarter of 2023, according to the State of Arizona.
255 professional licenses expired in six cities found within Pima County in Q1
There were 255 professional licenses which expired in cities within Pima County in the first quarter, according to the State of Arizona.
New Pima County residents in 2019
23,472 people moved to Pima County during 2019, an increase over the previous year, according to the Internal Revenue Service.
The new Pima County residents who came from the same state in 2019
5,767 people from across the state moved to Pima County during 2019, an increase over the previous year, according to the Internal Revenue Service.
The new Pima County residents who came from across the U.S. in 2019
17,399 people from across the country moved to Pima County during 2019, an increase over the previous year, according to the Internal Revenue Service.
How many professional licenses were issued across cities in Pima County in Q4 2022?
There were 70 professional licenses issued in cities across Pima County in the fourth quarter of 2022, according to the State of Arizona.
191 professional licenses expired in cities in Pima County in Q4 2022
There were 191 professional licenses which expired in cities within Pima County in the fourth quarter of 2022, according to the State of Arizona.
Pima County COVID-19 Update: 98.6% of infected residents alive as of Feb. 28
Pima County has seen 315,154 COVID-19 cases since the pandemic began.
Pima County COVID-19 Update: 98.6% of infected residents alive as of Feb. 21
Pima County has seen 314,539 COVID-19 cases since the pandemic began.
Pima County COVID-19 Update: 98.6% of infected residents alive as of Feb. 14
Pima County has seen 313,914 COVID-19 cases since the pandemic began.
Pima County COVID-19 Update: 98.6% of infected residents alive as of Feb. 7
Pima County has seen 313,277 COVID-19 cases since the pandemic began.
Pima County COVID-19 Update: 98.6% of infected residents alive as of Jan. 31
Pima County has seen 312,794 COVID-19 cases since the pandemic began.
Pima County COVID-19 Update: 98.7% of infected residents alive as of Jan. 24
Pima County has seen 312,126 COVID-19 cases since the pandemic began.
Pima County COVID-19 Update: 98.7% of infected residents alive as of Jan. 10
Pima County has seen 310,365 COVID-19 cases since the pandemic began.
Pima County COVID-19 Update: 98.7% of infected residents alive as of Jan. 3
Pima County has seen 309,458 COVID-19 cases since the pandemic began.
Pima County COVID-19 Update: 98.7% of infected residents alive as of Dec. 27
Pima County has seen 308,692 COVID-19 cases since the pandemic began.
Pima County COVID-19 Update: 98.7% of infected residents alive as of Dec. 20
Pima County has seen 307,309 COVID-19 cases since the pandemic began.