
PHX Reporter

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Local doctor says sinus and allergy problems can affect patients in ways they may not even realize

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Having chronic sinusitis can cause you to lose your sense of smell. | PxHere.com

Having chronic sinusitis can cause you to lose your sense of smell. | PxHere.com

• Sinus infections can lead to a loss of taste and smell.

• Losing the ability to taste and smell can cause a decreased quality of life for the patient.

• Treating the sinus infection can restore the patient's sense of taste and smell.

Dr. John Stewart of Arizona Breathe Free Sinus & Allergy Centers says patients can be affected by sinus and allergy problems in ways they may not even realize.

"A lot of patients don't realize how bad they feel until they get [their issues] corrected," Stewart told PHX Reporter. "I hear this over and over again. About 50% of my patients will say after they've recovered, ‘I had no idea I was supposed to feel this good or that I was feeling that bad. And if I would have known that, I would have done this 10 or 15 years ago.’ That's very gratifying, to hear that you made a big impact on them."

A survey conducted by Taste of Home found that the most popular foods found at a holiday dinner table are roast or mashed potatoes, turkey, bread rolls and stuffing. Those who suffer from sinus infections, however, might not be able to enjoy their meals this holiday season because of a loss of smell and taste, according to the Houston ENT website.

Congestion is a common symptom of sinus infections, and a stuffy nose can contribute to the loss of a sense of taste by blocking access to the part of the brain that processes flavors.

Those who lose their ability to smell and taste often experience a loss of appetite, which leads to poor nutrition, which could then lead to depression, according to Mayo Clinic. Adding excess salt or sugar to food to try to make it taste better could exacerbate existing problems with diabetes or high blood sugar. 

To learn more about the symptoms of sinus infections, take this Sinus Self-Assessment Quiz.