
PHX Reporter

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

OPINION: Biden’s Betrayals


House Maj. Leader Warren Petersen

House Maj. Leader Warren Petersen

Joe Biden has spent 47 years in Washington and America has suffered for it.

Biden’s career is defined by his consistent support of globalism at the expense of American workers. Instead of putting America first, Biden’s spent almost half a century backing trade deals that decimated family-sustaining manufacturing jobs across the country. 

Communist China is rooting for a Biden-Harris Administration. Just recently, the intelligence community released an election threat assessment saying, “we assess that China prefers that President Trump – whom Beijing sees as unpredictable – does not win reelection.” That blunt statement from the U.S. intelligence highlights Joe Biden’s cozy relationship with China. 

Joe Biden has a decades-long record of enabling China to cheat at the expense of America. For example, in 2000 Biden voted for Permanent Normal Trade Relations with China. At the time, Biden claimed that normalizing trade relations would encourage the communist country to become “a productive, responsive member of the world community.” In the two decades since, it’s very clear Biden’s claim did not come to fruition. China did not assimilate into the global community as a fair-trade partner. Instead, China engaged in severely unfair trade practices that went completely unaddressed, especially during the Obama-Biden administration. Thankfully, President Trump and his administration took bold action, making clear that such behavior, previously greenlighted by career politicians like Joe Biden, would no longer be tolerated.

However, all of that critical progress could be all for naught if Joe Biden and the radical left take control of the White House.

The imminent threat that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris pose extends well beyond China. Simply stated, a Biden-Harris Administration would undo all of President Trump’s accomplishments for the American people. 

For instance, Joe Biden proudly said, “First thing I’d do is repeal those Trump tax cuts.” Under under Joe Biden’s tax plan, over eighty percent of Americans would see their taxes increase – a move that would eliminate 585,000 jobs nationwide. At a time when our economy is just beginning to recover from the superfluous disruption posed by the coronavirus – Biden wants to cripple it with a $4 trillion tax hike. Middle-class families, small businesses, and seniors will all be crushed by these Biden tax increases.

The tone deaf economic plan being touted by Biden would ruin the Trump led Great American Comeback shouldn’t come as a shock to Americans who have been following Biden’s 47-years of failure in Washington.

In 1993, then-Senator Joe Biden acknowledged the risk of American workers being hurt by NAFTA. But, instead of addressing the concerns of the blue-collar backbone of America, Biden went ahead and voted for the disastrous trade deal that led to the loss of 850,000 American jobs. 

The running mate Biden’s handlers chose for him is also a threat to working-class citizens. Kamala Harris, rated the most liberal Senator by GovTrack, is one of only 10 Senators who voted against the USMCA trade deal in favor of keeping the failed NAFTA deal in place. 

The American people have a clear choice in front of them this fall – four more years of America First policies led by President Trump or a return to the failed globalist status quo under Joe Biden.

– Rep. Warren Petersen serves as Majority Leader of the Arizona House of Representatives