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Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Banner Health introduces innovative treatment for chronic joint pain

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Peter S Fine President and CEO of Phoenix | Official website

Peter S Fine President and CEO of Phoenix | Official website

PHOENIX (Aug. 27, 2024) – Banner – University Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Institute and Banner Sports Medicine Scottsdale are offering an innovative new treatment for people suffering from chronic joint pain in the knees, hands, and wrists.

In the United States, nearly one million knee replacement surgeries occur each year, with projections suggesting this number will rise to four million by 2030. Despite advancements in knee replacement surgery, up to 20% of patients still experience residual pain. A clinical trial was recently published showing long-lasting pain relief and quick return of function with surgical knee denervation.

Dr. Josh Hustedt, an orthopedic surgeon at Banner Health, has pioneered a revolutionary new procedure called joint denervation. Banner Health is now among the few centers worldwide to offer this procedure developed by Dr. Hustedt.

In the procedure, doctors target nerves transmitting pain signals from the joint to the brain. These nerves are cut and transferred to surrounding muscle. The transferred nerves grow into and innervate the surrounding muscle, transforming from ‘sensory’ nerves to ‘motor’ nerves. This change in nerve function causes an associated change in the brain’s response and shuts off the pain signal permanently. While it does not alter the presence of arthritis, it ensures that patients no longer feel the pain associated with it. Functional nerves remain intact, providing pain relief while retaining functionality.

Christina Lipska, 63 from Phoenix, had suffered from arthritis in her left knee for over 25 years before undergoing a total knee replacement in July 2020. However, her pain persisted for years after surgery until she became a candidate for joint denervation at Banner Health. After undergoing the procedure by Dr. Hustedt in May, she reported significant improvement in her condition.

“I love that the Banner team came up with an alternative to my pain and is doing something about it,” Lipska said. “I truly was losing my mind. This is a world of difference.”

Joint denervation can provide relief for patients who have undergone joint replacement but still experience pain or those at high risk for joint replacement procedures due to weight issues, diabetes, smoking habits, or other medical conditions.

“Traditionally, joint pain was treated by removing and replacing worn-out parts," said Dr. Hustedt. "But we needed to find a way to reduce that pain without resorting to complex joint replacement procedures. Joint denervation does just that." He added that "it is also minimally invasive because we are targeting the nervous system; it’s much easier on the patient – and less risky."

Joint denervation is available to patients of all ages seeking more information about this procedure at https://www.bannerhealth.com/services/orthopedics/hand-wrist/joint-denervation.

Banner Health operates as one of the largest secular nonprofit healthcare systems in the country with services including hospitals, academic medicine divisions like Banner – University Medicine and partnerships such as Banner MD Anderson Cancer Center.

For more information about Banner Health's services or locations across Arizona and other states including California, Colorado, Nebraska, Nevada and Wyoming visit bannerhealth.com.